All Night Graduation Party

ANGP 2025 Tickets Coming Soon!!!

What is ANGP?  

All Night Grad Party is a HUGE celebration in honor of our Falls Church High School graduating seniors held on the evening of graduation day. The celebration is organized by FCHS parents and provides a safe, drug and alcohol-free evening for the entire senior class.  ANGP is a state and Fairfax County Public School system-sanctioned event.

Graduates are treated to six fun-filled overnight hours of games, food, recreation, raffles, a casino, and entertainment. It is held at Providence Recreation Center and is THE place to be for the graduating class to celebrate together!

The celebration is funded entirely by donations, fundraising, and ticket sales. Our biggest fundraiser is the spring mulch sale.

Keep up with all things ANGP on Instagram and join us in at an ANGP planning meeting. 

ONLINE Ticket, Waiver, and Payment Form


ANGP is a ticketed event. Students who plan to attend must also complete the included ANGP Waiver. The ANGP is only for members of the FCHS graduating Class. No guests are allowed. No physical tickets will be issued. Students who register online will be on a list for the check-in process. Ticket questions? Contact Courtnie Ross at

ANGP Tickets


The FCHS Class of 2025 All-Night Graduation Party (ANGP) will be held at Providence RECenter (7525 Marc Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042) from Monday, June 9, 2025 to Tuesday, June 10th. Final times are to be determined.  

2025 Tickets


Why sponsor/donate? You will be supporting our students and the community...and we can't do it without help. It takes a tremendous amount of time, effort and money to make this event happen. Donations can be cash, gift cards, tickets, new electronics, etc. Can’t donate cash or gifts?  Then how about a donation of your time – volunteer today! For more information on how to become a sponsor or donate to ANGP. 


Why volunteer? Because it’s fun, and you’ll meet great people!  ANGP needs a huge number of parents to make it happen. We encourage freshman, sophomore and junior parents to volunteer so parents of seniors can enjoy graduation with their families. Get involved and share your creative talents! There is a job for everyone! 

ANGP Planning Meetings are on the Events Page! Join us for an upcoming meeting to learn more or get involved. 

ANGP Activities